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A small group of people embarks on a guided tour, where nothing will be explained, but rather experienced in attentive quietness. You expose your ears to all the sound around you and take this opportunity to observe the world without being forced to act or respond.

There is a special awareness for others and yourself when you go together in silence. In addition, a soundwalk gives you the chance to get to know your neighbourhood better, reveal unknown places and be surprised by what is otherwise lost on your searching eyes and busy minds.


Simon Voigt is a musician and works with acoustic ecology as an interdisciplinary field of research, where science and art merge.

 He first got interested in silence, through music and storytelling, as an element that creates presence and community.

In recent years, Simon has led soundwalks and listening workshops in Finland, Estonia and Denmark. 


Book a soundwalk on Fanø at any time of the year - for yourself or together with friends and family.


5-hour soundwalk Includes music and storytelling as well as a small meal.






“Hele tanken med mit arbejde er, at man lærer at lytte åbent. I dag lærer vi vores sanser at fokusere, at komme ind til kernen og at komme meget tæt på i sine undersøgelser. Men jeg er faktisk ude i, at vi også skal beskæftige os med det modsatte. Vi skal være åbne over for lydene omkring os, iagttage vores omgivelser uden at bedømme dem. Vi er nødt til at undre os, ligesom når vi er i nærheden af noget, der tager al vores opmærksomhed. Når vi oplever følelsen af forundring på en lydvandring, står tiden stille. En rummelighed udbreder sig i os, og det føles som om, vi er i stand til næsten alt.”

Simon Voigt, guide


Lydlandskaber findes overalt, og afslører mange nyttige informationer - både målbare data og kulturel inspiration. Man ved, at lydforhold spiller en afgørende rolle for det samlede miljø og for den velfærd vi stræber efter på andre vigtige områder. Lydvandringer ledes af musikeren Simon Voigt, som netop undersøger betydning for at hvad der sker, når vi udvider vores forståelse af at lytte.


It was fascinating how everyone in the group experienced the sounds during the walk very differently. Some have almost experienced them as music, others have been on great adventurous journeys with the sounds, and some have come a long way inside themselves. It was very interesting. I myself - and also several others - realised that there was a great playfulness to the beautiful song of birds and the sounds of the trees animated by the wind.


Hanne K


A great way to experience the outside world. To be completely quiet. Enjoy the sounds of nature. And then also accommadate man-made sounds with a new sensibility. My little sister, who is a true meek Jutlander, but who also talks like a waterfall, thought: „Great. It was truly a completely different experience. I saw and heard much more. I have never experienced anything like it.


Ragnhild K


A very surprising and beautiful experience to be on a walk with Simon - a whole new world of sound opened up to me. The excercises in the beginning of the walk really made a difference to my appraoch to listening - to nature, to myself and others.


Birte L

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